Ectoparasites: All things you Should Know

The summer season has officially started in the UAE and every pet owner is worried about the skin health of their furry companions. It is common given the weather conditions of the UAE region that dermatological problems and illnesses among pets are increasing during this time of the year, including external parasites.

As stated by European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP), external or ectoparasites include a wide range of parasitic ‘acari’ and ‘insecta’ such as fleas, ticks, mites, and chewing and sucking lice. Since many ectoparasites may act as vectors of various essential diseases, it is also our aim at The City Vet Clinic to deliver comprehensive information to support and assist pet owners in successfully controlling infections and preventing disease transmission.

Indeed, it is important to know the effects of ectoparasite infestations on pets stated by the organization themselves. Below are a few of the clinical implications:

  • They cause cutaneous lesions around the body which may lead to secondary bacterial or fungal (Malassezia infections for example) and various kinds of dermatitis
  • They induce immunopathological responses, especially by ectoparasite saliva which may lead to allergic reactions
  • They can transmit pathogens that may cause diseases (VBDs – Vector-Borne Diseases) that are clinically more relevant than the actual ectoparasite infestation itself
  • They may be zoonotic or transmit infections between different animals’ species (such as fleas which may infect owners also and other pets in the same house)
  • They may interfere with the human-animal bond
  • The direct health implications can be more than skin deep (for example blood-sucking arthropods can cause anemia).
Dr. Vasileios Plastaras

Veterinary Doctor

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